搜尋 "benaiah "
記錄中共有 41 節經文。 這是第 11 至 20 節
2 Samuel 8:18
And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over both the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and David's sons were chief rulers. chief rulers: or, princes

1 Chronicles 11:24
These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among the three mighties.

1 Chronicles 27:6
This is that Benaiah, who was mighty among the thirty, and above the thirty: and in his course was Ammizabad his son.

2 Samuel 23:22
These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had the name among three mighty men.

1 Kings 2:35
And the king put Benaiah the son of Jehoiada in his room over the host: and Zadok the priest did the king put in the room of Abiathar.

1 Kings 2:46
So the king commanded Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; which went out, and fell upon him, that he died. And the kingdom was established in the hand of Solomon.

1 Kings 1:8
But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty men which belonged to David, were not with Adonijah.

1 Kings 1:10
But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he called not.

1 Kings 2:25
And king Solomon sent by the hand of Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; and he fell upon him that he died.

1 Chronicles 27:14
The eleventh captain for the eleventh month was Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the children of Ephraim: and in his course were twenty and four thousand.