搜尋 "damascus "
記錄中共有 55 節經文。 這是第 11 至 20 節
2 Chronicles 28:5
Wherefore the LORD his God delivered him into the hand of the king of Syria; and they smote him, and carried away a great multitude of them captives, and brought them to Damascus. And he was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel, who smote him with a great slaughter. Damascus: Heb. Darmesek

Amos 3:12
Thus saith the LORD; As the shepherd taketh out of the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear; so shall the children of Israel be taken out that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed, and in Damascus in a couch. taketh: Heb. delivereth in Damascus...: or, on the bed's feet

2 Chronicles 24:23
And it came to pass at the end of the year, that the host of Syria came up against him: and they came to Judah and Jerusalem, and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people, and sent all the spoil of them unto the king of Damascus. at the...: Heb. in the revolution of the year Damascus: Heb. Darmesek

Jeremiah 49:24
Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee, and fear hath seized on her : anguish and sorrows have taken her, as a woman in travail.

Ezekiel 27:18
Damascus was thy merchant in the multitude of the wares of thy making, for the multitude of all riches; in the wine of Helbon, and white wool.

Jeremiah 49:23
Concerning Damascus. Hamath is confounded, and Arpad: for they have heard evil tidings: they are fainthearted; there is sorrow on the sea; it cannot be quiet. fainthearted: Heb. melted on...: or, as on the sea

2 Corinthians 11:32
In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me:

2 Kings 8:7
And Elisha came to Damascus; and Benhadad the king of Syria was sick; and it was told him, saying, The man of God is come hither.

Acts 26:12
Whereupon as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests,

2 Samuel 8:5
And when the Syrians of Damascus came to succour Hadadezer king of Zobah, David slew of the Syrians two and twenty thousand men.