搜尋 Gad 共找到 9 項結果

lord of fortune, or troop of Baal, a Canaanite city in the valley of Lebanon at the foot of Hermon, hence called Baal-hermon (Judge. 3:3; 1-Chr 5:23), near the source of the Jordan (Josh. 13:5;11:17;12:7). It was the most northern point to which Joshua's conquests extended. It probably derived its name from the worship of Baal. Its modern representative is Banias. Some have supposed it to be the s......

fortune; luck. (1.) Jacob's seventh son, by Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, and the brother of Asher (Gen. 30:11;46:16, 46: 18). In the Authorized Version 30:11 the words, "A troop cometh: and she called," etc., should rather be rendered, "In fortune [R.V., 'Fortunate']: and she called," etc., or "Fortune cometh," etc. The tribe of Gad during the march through the wilderness had their place with Simeon......

the capital of the Roman province of Peraea. It stood on the summit of a mountain about 6 miles south-east of the Sea of Galilee. Mark (5:1) and Luke (8:26) describe the miracle of the healing of the demoniac (Matthew [8:28] says two demoniacs) as having been wrought "in the country of the Gadarenes," thus describing the scene generally. The miracle could not have been wrought at Gadara itself, fo......

the inhabitants of Gadara, in Revised Version "Gerasenes" (Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26, Luke 8: 37). In Matt. 8:28 they are called Gergesenes, Revised Version "Gadarenes."......

fortunate, the representative of the tribe of Manasseh among the twelve "spies" sent by Moses to spy the land (Num. 13:11).......

fortune (i.e., sent) of God, the representative of the tribe of Zebulum among the twelve spies (Num. 13:10).......

village of fortune, a city on the south border of Judah (Josh. 15:27), midway between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.......

tower of fortune, a town in the plains of Judah, probably the modern el-Mejdel, a little to the north-east of Ascalon (Josh. 15:37). ......

probably the Arno (2-Sam 24:5). ......