father of the wall; i.e., "mason", one of the two sons of Shammai of the tribe of Judah (1-Chr 2:28, 1-Chr 2:29).......
a solemn appeal whereby one person imposes on another the obligation of speaking or acting as if under an oath (1-Sam 14:24; Josh. 6:26; 1-Kings 22:16). We have in the New Testament a striking example of this (Matt. 26:63; Mark 5:7), where the high priest calls upon Christ to avow his true character. It would seem that in such a case the person so adjured could not refuse to give an answer. Th......
Tilling the ground (Gen. 2:15;4:2, 4: 3, 12) and rearing cattle were the chief employments in ancient times. The Egyptians excelled in agriculture. And after the Israelites entered into the possession of the Promised Land, their circumstances favoured in the highest degree a remarkable development of this art. Agriculture became indeed the basis of the Mosaic commonwealth. The year in Palestine ......
gatherer; the collector, mentioned as author of the sayings in Prov. 30. Nothing is known of him beyond what is there recorded.......
bear-keeper, the name given by the ancients to the brightest star in the constellation Bootes. In the Authorized Version (Job 9:9;38:32) it is the rendering of the Hebrew word _'ash_, which probably designates the constellation the Great Bear. This word ('ash) is supposed to be derived from an Arabic word meaning night-watcher, because the Great Bear always revolves about the pole, and to our noth......
is employed in the English Bible to denote military equipment, both offensive and defensive. (1.) The offensive weapons were different at different periods of history. The "rod of iron" (Psa 2:9) is supposed to mean a mace or crowbar, an instrument of great power when used by a strong arm. The "maul" (Prov. 25:18; cognate Hebrew word rendered "battle-axe" in Jer. 51:20, Jer. 51: and "slaughter w......
an officer selected by kings and generals because of his bravery, not only to bear their armour, but also to stand by them in the time of danger. They were the adjutants of our modern armies (Judg. 9:54; 1-Sam 14:7;16:21;31:6).......
the place in which armour was deposited when not used (Neh. 3:19; Jer. 50:25). At first each man of the Hebrews had his own arms, because all went to war. There were no arsenals or magazines for arms till the time of David, who had a large collection of arms, which he consecrated to the Lord in his tabernacle (1 Sa,21:9; 2-Sam 8:7; 1-Chr 26:26, 1-Chr 26: 27).......
mentioned among those over whom Ish-bosheth was made king (2-Sam 2:9).......
second son of Shem (Gen. 10:22; 1-Chr 1:17). He went from the land of Shinar and built Nineveh, etc. (Gen. 10:11, Gen. 10:12). He probably gave his name to Assyria, which is the usual translation of the word, although the form Asshur is sometimes retained (Num. 24:22, Num. 24: 24; Ezek. 27:23, Ezek. 27: etc.). In Gen. 2:14 "Assyria" ought to be "Asshur," which was the original capital of Assyria, ......
The resurrection of Jesus (Acts 17:31) is the "assurance" (Gr. pistis, generally rendered "faith") or pledge God has given that his revelation is true and worthy of acceptance. The "full assurance [Gr. plerophoria, 'full bearing'] of faith" (Heb. 10:22) is a fulness of faith in God which leaves no room for doubt. The "full assurance of understanding" (Col. 2:2) is an entire unwavering conviction o......
helper. (1.) The father of Hananiah, a false prophet (Jer. 28:1). (2.) The father of Jaazaniah (Ezek. 11:1). (3.) One of those who sealed the covenant with Jehovah on the return from Babylon (Neh. 10:17).......
young men, a place east of Jerusalem (2-Sam 3:16;19:16), on the road to the Jordan valley. Here Shimei resided, who poured forth vile abuse against David, and flung dust and stones at him and his party when they were making their way down the eastern slopes of Olivet toward Jordan (16:5); and here Jonathan and Ahimaaz hid themselves (17:18). With the exception of Shimei, Azmaveth, one of David's......
house of rock, a town in the mountains of Judah (Josh. 15:58), about 4 miles to the north of Hebron. It was built by Rehoboam for the defence of his kingdom (2-Chr 11:7). It stood near the modern ed-Dirweh. Its ruins are still seen on a hill which bears the name of Beit-Sur, and which commands the road from Beer-sheba and Hebron to Jerusalem from the south. ......
(1.) A load of any kind (Exo 23:5). (2.) A severe task (Exo 2:11). (3.) A difficult duty, requiring effort (Exo 18:22). (4.) A prophecy of a calamitous or disastrous nature (Isa. 13:1;17:1; Hab. 1:1, Hab. 1: etc.).......
The first burial we have an account of is that of Sarah (Gen. 23). The first commercial transaction recorded is that of the purchase of a burial-place, for which Abraham weighed to Ephron "four hundred shekels of silver current money with the merchants." Thus the patriarch became the owner of a part of the land of Canaan, the only part he ever possessed. When he himself died, "his sons Isaac and I......
Hebrew _olah_; i.e., "ascending," the whole being consumed by fire, and regarded as ascending to God while being consumed. Part of every offering was burnt in the sacred fire, but this was wholly burnt, a "whole burnt offering." It was the most frequent form of sacrifice, and apparently the only one mentioned in the book of Genesis. Such were the sacrifices offered by Abel (Gen. 4:3, Gen. 4: 4, he......
a Roman officer in command of a hundred men (Mark 15:39, Mark 15: 44, 45). Cornelius, the first Gentile convert, was a centurion (Acts 10:1, Acts 10: 22). Other centurions are mentioned in Matt. 8:5, Matt. 8: 8, 13; Luke 7:2, Luke 7: 6; Acts 21:32;22:25, 22: 26;23:17, 23: 23;24:23;27:1, 27: 6, 11, 31, 43;28:16. A centurion watched the crucifixion of our Lord (Matt. 27:54; Luke 23:47), and when he ......
Derived probably from the Greek kuriakon (i.e., "the Lord's house"), which was used by ancient authors for the place of worship. In the New Testament it is the translation of the Greek word ecclesia, which is synonymous with the Hebrew _kahal_ of the Old Testament, both words meaning simply an assembly, the character of which can only be known from the connection in which the word is found. Ther......
in Isa. 32:5 (R.V. marg., "crafty"), means a deceiver. In 1-Sam 25:3, 1-Sam 25: the word churlish denotes a man that is coarse and ill-natured, or, as the word literally means, "hard." The same Greek word as used by the LXX. here is found in Matt. 25:24, Matt. 25: and there is rendered "hard." ......
The subject of colours holds an important place in the Scriptures. White occurs as the translation of various Hebrew words. It is applied to milk (Gen. 49:12), manna (Exo 16:31), snow (Isa. 1:18), horses (Zech. 1:8), raiment (Eccl. 9:8). Another Hebrew word so rendered is applied to marble (Esther 1:6), and a cognate word to the lily (2:16). A different term, meaning "dazzling," is applied to th......
When David was not permitted to build the temple, he proceeded, among the last acts of his life, with the assistance of Zadok and Ahimelech, to organize the priestly and musical services to be conducted in the house of God. (1.) He divided the priests into twenty-four courses (1-Chr 24:1), sixteen being of the house of Eleazar and eight of that of Ithamar. Each course was under a head or chief, an......
the enclosure of the tabernacle (Exo 27:9;40:8), of the temple (1-Kings 6:36), of a prison (Neh. 3:25), of a private house (2-Sam 17:18), and of a king's palace (2-Kings 20:4). ......
denotes the whole creation in Rom. 8:39; Col. 1:15; Rev. 5:13; the whole human race in Mark 16:15; Rom. 8:19. The living creatures in Ezek. 10:15, Ezek. 10: 17, are imaginary beings, symbols of the Divine attributes and operations. ......
(Acts 19:19), magical arts; jugglery practised by the Ephesian conjurers. Ephesus was noted for its wizard and the "Ephesian spells;" i.e., charms or scraps of parchment written over with certain formula, which were worn as a safeguard against all manner of evils. The more important and powerful of these charms were written out in books which circulated among the exorcists, and were sold at a grea......
denounced by God against the serpent (Gen. 3:14), and against Cain (4:11). These divine maledictions carried their effect with them. Prophetical curses were sometimes pronounced by holy men (Gen. 9:25;49:7; Deut. 27:15; Josh. 6:26). Such curses are not the consequence of passion or revenge, they are predictions. No one on pain of death shall curse father or mother (Exo 21:17), nor the prince of ......
(1.) Ten curtains, each twenty-eight cubits long and four wide, made of fine linen, also eleven made of goat's hair, covered the tabernacle (Exo 26:1;36:8). (2.) The sacred curtain, separating the holy of holies from the sanctuary, is designated by a different Hebrew word (peroketh). It is described as a "veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work" (Exo 26:31; L......
The usual length of a day's journey in the East, on camel or horseback, in six or eight hours, is about 25 or 30 miles. The "three days' journey" mentioned in Exo 3:18 is simply a journey which would occupy three days in going and returning. ......
(occurring only Isa. 13:21. Heb. ochim, i.e., "shrieks;" hence "howling animals"), a general name for screech owls (howlets), which occupy the desolate palaces of Babylon. Some render the word "hyaenas."......
the circle, the plain near Babylon in which Nebuchadnezzar set up a golden image, mentioned in Dan. 3:1. The place still retains its ancient name. On one of its many mounds the pedestal of what must have been a colossal statue has been found. It has been supposed to be that of the golden image.......
followers of Epicurus (who died at Athens B.C. 270), or adherents of the Epicurean philosophy (Acts 17:18). This philosophy was a system of atheism, and taught men to seek as their highest aim a pleasant and smooth life. They have been called the "Sadducees" of Greek paganism. They, with the Stoics, ridiculed the teaching of Paul (Acts 17:18). They appear to have been greatly esteemed at Athens.......
south-east billow, the name of the wind which blew in the Adriatic Gulf, and which struck the ship in which Paul was wrecked on the coast of Malta (Acts 27:14; R.V., "Euraquilo," i.e., north-east wind). It is called a "tempestuous wind," i.e., as literally rendered, a "typhonic wind," or a typhoon. It is the modern Gregalia or Levanter. (Comp. Jonah 1:4.) ......
Grain reduced to the form of meal is spoken of in the time of Abraham (Gen. 18:6). As baking was a daily necessity, grain was also ground daily at the mills (Jer. 25:10). The flour mingled with water was kneaded in kneading-troughs, and sometimes leaven (Exo 12:34) was added and sometimes omitted (Gen. 19:3). The dough was then formed into thin cakes nine or ten inches in diameter and baked in the......
a stadium, a Greek measure of distance equal to 606 feet and 9 inches (Luke 24:13; John 6:19;11:18; Rev. 14:20;21:16). ......
(1.) Chald. attun, a large furnace with a wide open mouth, at the top of which materials were cast in (Dan. 3:22, Dan. 3: 23; comp. Jer. 29:22). This furnace would be in constant requisition, for the Babylonians disposed of their dead by cremation, as did also the Accadians who invaded Mesopotamia. (2.) Heb. kibshan, a smelting furnace (Gen. 19:28), also a lime-kiln (Isa. 33:12; Amos 2:1). (3.......
an opening in the ground made by the plough (Psa 65:10; Hos. 10:4, Hos. 10: 10). ......
as attributed to God, is a figurative expression for dispensing afflictive judgments (Lev. 26:28; Job 20:23; Isa. 63:3; Jer. 4:4; Ezek. 5:13; Dan. 9:16; Zech. 8:2).......
bridge, the name of a district or principality of Syria near Gilead, between Mount Hermon and the Lake of Tiberias (2-Sam 15:8; 1-Chr 2:23). The Geshurites probably inhabited the rocky fastness of Argob, the modern Lejah, in the north-east corner of Bashan. In the time of David it was ruled by Talmai, whose daughter he married, and who was the mother of Absalom, who fled to Geshur after the murder......
(1.) The inhabitants of Geshur. They maintained friendly relations with the Israelites on the east of Jordan (Josh. 12:5;13:11, 13: 13). (2.) Another aboriginal people of Palestine who inhabited the south-west border of the land. Geshuri in Josh. 13:2 should be "the Geshurite," not the Geshurites mentioned in ver. 11, 13, but the tribe mentioned in 1-Sam 27:8. ......
(1.) Jonah's gourd (Jonah 4:6), bearing the Hebrew name _kikayon_ (found only here), was probably the kiki of the Egyptians, the croton. This is the castor-oil plant, a species of ricinus, the palma Christi, so called from the palmate division of its leaves. Others with more probability regard it as the cucurbita the el-keroa of the Arabs, a kind of pumpkin peculiar to the East. "It is grown in gr......
a whelp, a place near Ibleam where Jehu's servants overtook and mortally wounded king Ahaziah (2-Kings 9:27); an ascent from the plain of Jezreel.......
sojourn of Baal, a place in Arabia (2-Chr 26:7) where there was probably a temple of Baal.......
fever, one of the Nethinim (Ezra 2:51).......
cave-land, mentioned only in Ezek. 47:16, Ezek. 47: 18. It was one of the ancient divisions of Bashan (q.v.), and lay on the south-east of Gaulanitis or the Jaulan, and on the south of Lejah, extending from the Arnon to the Hieromax. It was the most fertile region in Syria, and to this day abounds in the ruins of towns, many of which have stone doors and massive walls. It retains its ancient name.......
plot of the sharp blades, or the field of heroes, (2-Sam 2:16). After the battle of Gilboa, so fatal to Saul and his house, David, as divinely directed, took up his residence in Hebron, and was there anointed king over Judah. Among the fugitives from Gilboa was Ish-bosheth, the only surviving son of Saul, whom Abner, Saul's uncle, took across the Jordan to Mahanaim, and there had him proclaimed ki......
First found in Dan. 3:6;4:19, 4: 33;5:5. It is the rendering of the Chaldee shaah, meaning a "moment," a "look." It is used in the New Testament frequently to denote some determinate season (Matt. 8:13; Luke 12:39). With the ancient Hebrews the divisions of the day were "morning, evening, and noon-day" (Psa 55:17, Psa 55: etc.). The Greeks, following the Babylonians, divided the day into twelve ......
a hole, as of a viper, etc. (1.) A son of Caleb (1-Chr 2:19, 1-Chr 2: 50;4:1, 4: 4; comp. 2-Chr 1:5). (2.) The husband of Miriam, Moses' sister (Exo 17:10). He was associated with Aaron in charge of the people when Moses was absent on Sinai (Exo 24:14). He was probably of the tribe of Judah, and grandfather of Bezaleel (Exo 31:2;35:30; 1-Chr 2:19). (3.) One of the five princes of Midian who we......
linen-worker, one of David's heroes, a native of the valley of Mount Gaash (1-Chr 11:32). ......
a district in the north-east of Palestine, forming, along with the adjacent territory of Trachonitis, the tetrarchy of Philip (Luke 3:1). The present Jedur comprehends the chief part of Ituraea. It is bounded on the east by Trachonitis, on the south by Gaulanitis, on the west by Hermon, and on the north by the plain of Damascus. ......
place of sojourn, a city on the southern border of Judah (Josh. 15:21). ......
a poetical name for the people of Israel, used in token of affection, meaning, "the dear upright people" (Deut. 32:15;33:5, 33: 26; Isa. 44:2). ......
an enclosure, one of the twelve sons of Ishmael (Gen. 25:15). ......
(1.) A day's journey in the East is from 16 to 20 miles (Num. 11:31). (2.) A Sabbath-day's journey is 2,000 paces or yards from the city walls (Acts 1:12). According to Jewish tradition, it was the distance one might travel without violating the law of Exo 16:29. (See SABBATH.)......
incense, the wife of Abraham, whom he married probably after Sarah's death (Gen. 25:1), by whom he had six sons, whom he sent away into the east country. Her nationality is unknown. She is styled "Abraham's concubine" (1-Chr 1:32). Through the offshoots of the Keturah line Abraham became the "father of many nations."......
(Heb. leshem) occurs only in Exo 28:19 39:12, 39: as the name of a stone in the third row on the high priest's breastplate. Some have supposed that this stone was the same as the jacinth (q.v.), others that it was the opal. There is now no mineral bearing this name. The "ligurite" is so named from Liguria in Italy, where it was found. ......
as represented by Ezekiel (1-10) and John (Rev. 4, etc.), are the cherubim. They are distinguished from angels (Rev. 15:7); they join the elders in the "new song" (5:8, 5: 9); they warn of danger from divine justice (Isa. 6:3), and deliver the commission to those who execute it (Ezek. 10:2, Ezek. 10: 7); they associate with the elders in their sympathy with the hundred and forty-four thousand who ......
Several words are so rendered in the Authorized Version. (1.) Those which are indefinite. (a) Hok, Isa. 5:14, Isa. 5: elsewhere "statute." (b) Mad, Job 11:9; Jer. 13:25, Jer. 13: elsewhere "garment." (c) Middah, the word most frequently thus translated, Exo 26:2, Exo 26: 8, etc. (d) Mesurah, Lev. 19:35; 1-Chr 23:29. (e) Mishpat, Jer. 30:11, Jer. 30: elsewhere "judgment." (f) Mithkoneth and token, ......
the Hermes (i.e., "the speaker") of the Greeks (Acts 14:12), a heathen God represented as the constant attendant of Jupiter, and the god of eloquence. The inhabitants of Lystra took Paul for this god because he was the "chief speaker." ......
Frequent references are found in Scripture to, (1.) Mourning for the dead. Abraham mourned for Sarah (Gen. 23:2); Jacob for Joseph (37:34, 37: 35); the Egyptians for Jacob (0:3); Israel for Aaron (Num. 20:29), for Moses (Deut. 34:8), and for Samuel (1-Sam 25:1); David for Abner (2-Sam 3:31, 2-Sam 3: 35); Mary and Martha for Lazarus (John 11); devout men for Stephen (Acts 8:2), etc. (2.) For cala......
Wilful murder was distinguished from accidental homicide, and was invariably visited with capital punishment (Num. 35:16, Num. 35: 18, 21, 31; Lev. 24:17). This law in its principle is founded on the fact of man's having been made in the likeness of God (Gen. 9:5, Gen. 9: 6; John 8:44; 1-John 3:12, 1-John 3: 15). The Mosiac law prohibited any compensation for murder or the reprieve of the murderer......
of the Hebrews in the wilderness, called forth the displeasure of God, which was only averted by the earnest prayer of Moses (Num. 11:33, Num. 11: 34; 12;14:27, 14: 30, 31;16:3;21:4; Psa 106:25). Forbidden by Paul (1-Cor 10:10). ......
Heb. deber, "destruction," a "great mortality", the fifth plague that fell upon the Egyptians (Exo 9:3). It was some distemper that resulted in the sudden and widespread death of the cattle. It was confined to the cattle of the Egyptians that were in the field (9:6). ......
(from the Fr. parler, "to speak") denotes an "audience chamber," but that is not the import of the Hebrew word so rendered. It corresponds to what the Turks call a kiosk, as in Judg. 3:20 (the "summer parlour"), or as in the margin of the Revised Version ("the upper chamber of cooling"), a small room built on the roof of the house, with open windows to catch the breeze, and having a door communica......
release. (1.) The son of Immer (probably the same as Amariah, Neh. 10:3;12:2), the head of one of the priestly courses, was "chief governor [Heb. paqid nagid, meaning "deputy governor"] of the temple" (Jer. 20:1, Jer. 20: 2). At this time the _nagid_, or "governor," of the temple was Seraiah the high priest (1-Chr 6:14), and Pashur was his _paqid_, or "deputy." Enraged at the plainness with which ......
rock of redemption, the father of Gamaliel and prince of Manasseh at the time of the Exodus (Num. 1:10;2:20).......
a lot, lots, a festival instituted by the Jews (Esther 9:24) in ironical commemoration of Haman's consultation of the Pur (a Persian word), for the purpose of ascertaining the auspicious day for executing his cruel plot against their nation. It became a national institution by the common consent of the Jews, and is observed by them to the present day, on the 14th and 15th of the month Adar, a mont......
the process by which a person unclean, according to the Levitical law, and thereby cut off from the sanctuary and the festivals, was restored to the enjoyment of all these privileges. The great annual purification of the people was on the Day of Atonement (q.v.). But in the details of daily life there were special causes of cermonial uncleanness which were severally provided for by ceremonial ......
(1.) Gr. balantion, a bag (Luke 10:4;22:35, 22: 36). (2.) Gr. zone, properly a girdle (Matt. 10:9; Mark 6:8), a money-belt. As to our Lord's sending forth his disciples without money in their purses, the remark has been made that in this "there was no departure from the simple manners of the country. At this day the farmer sets out on excursions quite as extensive without a para in his purse; an......
one of the cardinal facts and doctrines of the gospel. If Christ be not risen, our faith is vain (1-Cor 15:14). The whole of the New Testament revelation rests on this as an historical fact. On the day of Pentecost Peter argued the necessity of Christ's resurrection from the prediction in Ps. 16 (Acts 2:24). In his own discourses, also, our Lord clearly intimates his resurrection (Matt. 20:19; Mar......
will be simultaneous both of the just and the unjust (Dan. 12:2; John 5:28, John 5: 29; Rom. 2:6; 2-Thess 1:6). The qualities of the resurrection body will be different from those of the body laid in the grave (1-Cor 15:53, 1-Cor 15: 54; Phil. 3:21); but its identity will nevertheless be preserved. It will still be the same body (1-Cor 15:42) which rises again. As to the nature of the resurrecti......
supposed to be a distance of 2,000 cubits, or less than half-a-mile, the distance to which, according to Jewish tradition, it was allowable to travel on the Sabbath day without violating the law (Acts 1:12; comp. Exo 16:29; Num. 35:5; Josh. 3:4). ......
one who saves from any form or degree of evil. In its highest sense the word indicates the relation sustained by our Lord to his redeemed ones, he is their Saviour. The great message of the gospel is about salvation and the Saviour. It is the "gospel of salvation." Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ secures to the sinner a personal interest in the work of redemption. Salvation is redemption made effec......
(1-Kings 12:11). Variously administered. In no case were the stripes to exceed forty (Deut. 25:3; comp. 2-Cor 11:24). In the time of the apostles, in consequence of the passing of what was called the Porcian law, no Roman citizen could be scourged in any case (Acts 16:22). (See BASTINADO.) In the scourging of our Lord (Matt. 27:26; Mark 15:15) the words of prophecy (Isa. 53:5) were fulfilled. ......
invariably in the New Testament denotes that definite collection of sacred books, regarded as given by inspiration of God, which we usually call the Old Testament (2-Tim 3:15, 2-Tim 3: 16; John 20:9; Gal. 3:22; 2-Pet 1:20). It was God's purpose thus to perpetuate his revealed will. From time to time he raised up men to commit to writing in an infallible record the revelation he gave. The "Scriptur......
hidden, one of the spies sent to search the Promised Land. He was of the tribe of Asher (Num. 13:13). ......
an enclosure; a wall, a part, probably, of the Arabian desert, on the north-eastern border of Egypt, giving its name to a wilderness extending from Egypt toward Philistia (Gen. 16:7;20:1;25:18; 5:22). The name was probably given to it from the wall (or shur) which the Egyptians built to defend their frontier on the north-east from the desert tribes. This wall or line of fortifications extended fro......
the immediate vicinity of a city or town (Num. 35:3, Num. 35: 7; Ezek. 45:2). In 2-Kings 23:11 the Hebrew word there used (parvarim) occurs nowhere else. The Revised Version renders it "precincts." The singular form of this Hebrew word (parvar) is supposed by some to be the same as Parbar (q.v.), which occurs twice in 1-Chr 26:18. ......
one who becomes responsible for another. Christ is the surety of the better covenant (Heb. 7:22). In him we have the assurance that all its provisions will be fully and faithfully carried out. Solomon warns against incautiously becoming security for another (Prov. 6:1;11:15;17:18;20:16). ......
(Neh. 3:11;12:38), a tower at the north-western angle of the second wall of Jerusalem. It was probably so named from its contiguity to the "bakers' street" (Jer. 37:21). ......
of our Lord on a "high mountain apart," is described by each of the three evangelists (Matt. 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28). The fullest account is given by Luke, who, no doubt, was informed by Peter, who was present on the occasion. What these evangelists record was an absolute historical reality, and not a mere vision. The concurrence between them in all the circumstances of the incident is exact. J......
store cities which the Israelites built for the Egyptians (Exo 1:11). (See PITHOM.) Towns in which the treasures of the kings of Judah were kept were so designated (1-Chr 27:25). ......
the houses or magazines built for the safe keeping of treasure and valuable articles of any kind (Ezra 5:17;7:20; Neh. 10:38; Dan. 1:2). ......
(Matt. 27:6; Mark 12:41; John 8:20). It does not appear that there was a separate building so called. The name was given to the thirteen brazen chests, called "trumpets," from the form of the opening into which the offerings of the temple worshippers were put. These stood in the outer "court of the women." "Nine chests were for the appointed money-tribute and for the sacrifice-tribute, i.e., money......
Its peculiar peaceful and gentle habit its often referred to in Scripture. A pair was offered in sacrifice by Mary at her purification (Luke 2:24). The pigeon and the turtle-dove were the only birds permitted to be offered in sacrifice (Lev. 1:14;5:7;14:22;15:14, 15: 29, etc.). The Latin name of this bird, _turtur_, is derived from its note, and is a repetition of the Hebrew name _tor_. Three spec......
light, or the moon city, a city "of the Chaldees," the birthplace of Haran (Gen. 11:28, Gen. 11:31), the largest city of Shinar or northern Chaldea, and the principal commercial centre of the country as well as the centre of political power. It stood near the mouth of the Euphrates, on its western bank, and is represented by the mounds (of bricks cemented by bitumen) of el-Mugheir, i.e., "the bitu......
the Lord is my light. (1.) A Hittite, the husband of Bathsheba, whom David first seduced, and then after Uriah's death married. He was one of the band of David's "mighty men." The sad story of the curel wrongs inflicted upon him by David and of his mournful death are simply told in the sacred record (2-Sam 11:2:26). (See BATHSHEBA; DAVID.) (2.) A priest of the house of Ahaz (Isa. 8:2). (3.) Th......
God is my light. (1.) A Levite of the family of Kohath (1-Chr 6:24). (2.) The chief of the Kohathites at the time when the ark was brought up to Jerusalem (1-Chr 15:5, 1-Chr 15: 11). (3.) The father of Michaiah, one of Rehoboam's wives, and mother of Abijah (2-Chr 13:2). ......
the lord is my light. (1.) A high priest in the time of Ahaz (2-Kings 16:10), at whose bidding he constructed an idolatrous altar like one the king had seen at Damascus, to be set up instead of the brazen altar. (2.) One of the priests who stood at the right hand of Ezra's pulpit when he read and expounded the law (Neh. 8:4). (3.) A prophet of Kirjath-jearim in the reign of Jehoiakim, king of ......
lights (Vulg."doctrina;" LXX. "revelation"). See THUMMIM. ......
the sum paid for the use of money, hence interest; not, as in the modern sense, exorbitant interest. The Jews were forbidden to exact usury (Lev. 25:36, Lev. 25: 37), only, however, in their dealings with each other (Deut. 23:19, Deut. 23: 20). The violation of this law was viewed as a great crime (Psa 15:5; Prov. 28:8; Jer. 15:10). After the Return, and later, this law was much neglected (Neh. 5:......
(1.) Heb. da'ah (Lev. 11:14). In the parallel passage (Deut. 14:13) the Hebrew word used is _ra'ah_, rendered "glede;" LXX., "gups;" Vulg., "milvus." A species of ravenous bird, distinguished for its rapid flight. "When used without the epithet 'red,' the name is commonly confined to the black kite. The habits of the bird bear out the allusion in Isa. 34:15, Isa. 34: for it is, excepting during th......
used in cases of ceremonial cleansings at the consecration of the Levites (Num. 8:7). It signified, figuratively, that purifying of the heart which must characterize the servants of God. ......
mindful. (1.) Father of Shammua, who was one of the spies sent out by Moses (Num. 13:4). (2.) A Merarite Levite (1-Chr 24:27). (3.) A son of Asaph, and chief of one of the courses of singers as arranged by David (1-Chr 25:2, 1-Chr 25: 10). (4.) Son of Imri (Neh. 3:2). (5.) A Levite (Neh. 10:12). (6.) The son of Mattaniah (Neh. 13:13).......
rock. (1.) One of the five Midianite kings whom the Israelites defeated and put to death (Num. 31:8). (2.) A Benjamite (1-Chr 8:30).......
rock of God, chief of the family of the Merarites (Num. 3:35) at the time of the Exodus.......
rock of the Almighty, the father of Shelumiel, who was chief of the tribe of Simeon when Israel was encamped at Sinai (Num. 1:6;2:12).......