the Lord is my strength. (1.) The son of Bukki, and a descendant of Aaron (1-Chr 6:5, 1-Chr 6: 51; Ezra 7:4). (2.) A grandson of Issachar (1-Chr 7:2, 1-Chr 7: 3). (3.) A son of Bela, and grandson of Benjamin (1-Chr 7:7). (4.) A Benjamite, a chief in the tribe (1-Chr 9:8). (5.) A son of Bani. He had the oversight of the Levites after the return from captivity (Neh. 11:22). (6.) The head o......
a contracted form of Azari'ah the Lord is my strength. (1.) One of Amaziah's sons, whom the people made king of Judah in his father's stead (2-Kings 14:21; 2-Chr 26:1). His long reign of about fifty-two years was "the most prosperous excepting that of Jehosaphat since the time of Solomon." He was a vigorous and able ruler, and "his name spread abroad, even to the entering in of Egypt" (2-Chr 26:8,......
strength of God. (1.) One of the sons of Kohath, and uncle of Aaron (Exo 6:18; Lev. 10:4). (2.) A Simeonite captain (1-Chr 4:39). (3.) A son of Bela, and grandson of Benjamin (1-Chr 7:7). (4.) One of the sons of Heman (1-Chr 25:4); called also Azareel (18). (5.) A son of Jeduthan (2-Chr 29:14). (6.) The son of Harhaiah (Neh. 3:8). ......