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記錄中共有 1227 節經文。 這是第 441 至 450 節
Genesis 45:26
And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed them not. Jacob's: Heb. his

1 Kings 13:30
And he laid his carcase in his own grave; and they mourned over him, saying , Alas, my brother!

1 Kings 15:9
And in the twentieth year of Jeroboam king of Israel reigned Asa over Judah.

1 Kings 19:16
And Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel: and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room. Elisha: Gr. Eliseus

1 Kings 2:35
And the king put Benaiah the son of Jehoiada in his room over the host: and Zadok the priest did the king put in the room of Abiathar.

2 Kings 25:19
And out of the city he took an officer that was set over the men of war, and five men of them that were in the king's presence, which were found in the city, and the principal scribe of the host, which mustered the people of the land, and threescore men of the people of the land that were found in the city: officer: or, eunuch were in...: Heb. saw the king's face principal...: or, scribe of the captain of the host

1 Chronicles 19:17
And it was told David; and he gathered all Israel, and passed over Jordan, and came upon them, and set the battle in array against them. So when David had put the battle in array against the Syrians, they fought with him.

1 Chronicles 26:29
Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and his sons were for the outward business over Israel, for officers and judges.

1 Chronicles 9:32
And other of their brethren, of the sons of the Kohathites, were over the shewbread, to prepare it every sabbath. shewbread: Heb. bread of ordering

2 Chronicles 13:1
Now in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam began Abijah to reign over Judah.