the most powerful of all carnivorous animals. Although not now found in Palestine, they must have been in ancient times very numerous there. They had their lairs in the forests (Jer. 5:6;12:8; Amos 3:4), in the caves of the mountains (4:8; Nah. 2:12), and in the canebrakes on the banks of the Jordan (Jer. 49:19;50:44; Zech. 11:3).

No fewer than at least six different words are used in the Old Testament for the lion. (1.) _Gor_ (i.e., a "suckling"), the lion's whelp (Gen. 49:9; Jer. 51:38, Jer. 51: etc.). (2.) _Kephir_ (i.e., "shaggy"), the young lion (Judg. 14:5; Job 4:10; Psa 91:13;104:21), a term which is also used figuratively of cruel enemies (Psa 34:10;35:17;58:6; Jer. 2:15). (3.) _'Ari_ (i.e., the "puller" in pieces), denoting the lion in general, without reference to age or sex (Num. 23:24; 2-Sam 17:10, 2-Sam 17: etc.). (4.) _Shahal_ (the "roarer"), the mature lion (Job 4:10; Psa 91:13; Prov. 26:13; Hos. 5:14). (5.) _Laish_, so called from its strength and bravery (Job 4:11; Prov. 30:30; Isa. 30:6). The capital of Northern Dan received its name from this word. (6.) _Labi_, from a root meaning "to roar," a grown lion or lioness (Gen. 49:9; Num. 23:24;24:9; Ezek. 19:2; Nah. 2:11).

The lion of Palestine was properly of the Asiatic variety, distinguished from the African variety, which is larger. Yet it not only attacked flocks in the presence of the shepherd, but also laid waste towns and villages (2-Kings 17:25, 2-Kings 17: 26) and devoured men (1-Kings 13:24, 1-Kings 13: 25). Shepherds sometimes, single-handed, encountered lions and slew them (1-Sam 17:34, 1-Sam 17: 35; Amos 3:12). Samson seized a young lion with his hands and "rent him as he would have rent a kid" (Judg. 14:5, Judg. 14: 6). The strength (Judg. 14:18), courage (2-Sam 17:10), and ferocity (Gen. 49:9) of the lion were proverbial.