搜尋 "israel "
記錄中共有 2303 節經文。 這是第 1341 至 1350 節
2 Chronicles 29:10
Now it is in mine heart to make a covenant with the LORD God of Israel, that his fierce wrath may turn away from us.

Ezra 9:1
Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

Nehemiah 13:3
Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.

Psalm 129:1
A Song of degrees. Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say: Many...: or, Much

Psalm 80:1
To the chief Musician upon Shoshannimeduth, A Psalm of Asaph. Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth. of: or, for

Exodus 16:1
And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.

Exodus 24:9
Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel:

Exodus 4:29
And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel:

Exodus 10:20
But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go.

Isaiah 12:6
Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress