搜尋 "jew "
記錄中共有 262 節經文。 這是第 261 至 262 節
Jeremiah 32:12
And I gave the evidence of the purchase unto Baruch the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, in the sight of Hanameel mine uncle's son , and in the presence of the witnesses that subscribed the book of the purchase, before all the Jews that sat in the court of the prison.

Esther 8:5
And said, If it please the king, and if I have found favour in his sight, and the thing seem right before the king, and I be pleasing in his eyes, let it be written to reverse the letters devised by Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, which he wrote to destroy the Jews which are in all the king's provinces: devised: Heb. the device which he...: or, who wrote