搜尋 "israel "
記錄中共有 2303 節經文。 這是第 781 至 790 節
1 Kings 8:5
And king Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel, that were assembled unto him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen, that could not be told nor numbered for multitude.

2 Kings 14:12
And Judah was put to the worse before Israel; and they fled every man to their tents. put...: Heb. smitten

2 Kings 17:20
And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.

2 Kings 17:7
For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods,

2 Kings 18:11
And the king of Assyria did carry away Israel unto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes:

2 Kings 3:24
And when they came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites, so that they fled before them: but they went forward smiting the Moabites, even in their country. they went...: or, they smote in it even smiting

1 Chronicles 23:2
And he gathered together all the princes of Israel, with the priests and the Levites.

1 Chronicles 29:18
O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their heart unto thee: prepare: or, stablish

2 Chronicles 25:22
And Judah was put to the worse before Israel, and they fled every man to his tent. put...: Heb. smitten

2 Chronicles 5:6
Also king Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before the ark, sacrificed sheep and oxen, which could not be told nor numbered for multitude.