搜尋 "so "
記錄中共有 1640 節經文。 這是第 91 至 100 節
Genesis 32:21
So went the present over before him: and himself lodged that night in the company.

Genesis 33:16
So Esau returned that day on his way unto Seir.

Genesis 35:6
So Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, that is , Bethel, he and all the people that were with him.

Genesis 45:24
So he sent his brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto them, See that ye fall not out by the way.

Genesis 45:8
So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.

Genesis 50:17
So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren, and their sin; for they did unto thee evil: and now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake unto him.

Genesis 50:26
So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.

1 Kings 1:3
So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king.

1 Kings 1:38
So Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, went down, and caused Solomon to ride upon king David's mule, and brought him to Gihon.

1 Kings 1:53
So king Solomon sent, and they brought him down from the altar. And he came and bowed himself to king Solomon: and Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house.