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servant of Nego=Nebo, the Chaldee name given to Azariah, one of Daniel's three companions (Dan. 2:49). With Shadrach and Meshach, he was delivered from the burning fiery furnace (3:12).......

lord of justice or righteousness, was king in Jerusalem at the time when the Israelites invaded Palestine (Josh. 10:1, Josh. 10:3). He formed a confederacy with the other Canaanitish kings against the Israelites, but was utterly routed by Joshua when he was engaged in besieging the Gibeonites. The history of this victory and of the treatment of the five confederated kings is recorded in Josh. 10:1......

occurs only in Rev. 16:16 (R.V., "Har-Magedon"), as symbolically designating the place where the "battle of that great day of God Almighty" (ver. 14) shall be fought. The word properly means the "mount of Megiddo." It is the scene of the final conflict between Christ and Antichrist. The idea of such a scene was suggested by the Old Testament great battle-field, the plain of Esdraelon (q.v.).......

(Heb. mittah), for rest at night (Exo 8:3; 1-Sam 19:13, 1-Sam 19: 15, 16, etc.); during sickness (Gen. 47:31;48:2;49:33, 49: etc.); as a sofa for rest (1-Sam 28:23; Amos 3:12). Another Hebrew word (er'es) so rendered denotes a canopied bed, or a bed with curtains (Deut. 3:11; Psa 132:3), for sickness (Psa 6:6;41:3). In the New Testament it denotes sometimes a litter with a coverlet (Matt. 9:2, M......

an apartment in Eastern houses, furnished with a slightly elevated platform at the upper end and sometimes along the sides, on which were laid mattresses. This was the general arrangement of the public sleeping-room for the males of the family and for guests, but there were usually besides distinct bed-chambers of a more private character (2-Kings 4:10; Exo 8:3; 2-Kings 6:12). In 2-Kings 11:2 this......

one of the judges of Israel (1-Sam 12:11). It is uncertain who he was. Some suppose that Barak is meant, others Samson, but most probably this is a contracted form of Abdon (Judg. 12:13). ......

used in Deut. 3:11, Deut. 3: but elsewhere rendered "couch," "bed." In 2-Kings 1:4;16:2; Psa 132:3; Amos 3:12, Amos 3: the divan is meant by this word. ......

hail. (1.) A town in the south of Palestine (Gen. 16:14), in the desert of Shur, near Lahai-roi. (2.) A son of Shuthelah, and grandson of Ephraim (1-Chr 7:20).......

(Exo 9:31), meaning "swollen or podded for seed," was adopted in the Authorized Version from the version of Coverdale (1535). The Revised Version has in the margin "was in bloom," which is the more probable rendering of the Hebrew word. It is the fact that in Egypt when barley is in ear (about February) flax is blossoming. ......

(Heb. e'rez, Gr. kedros, Lat. cedrus), a tree very frequently mentioned in Scripture. It was stately (Ezek. 31:3), long-branched (Psa 80:10;92:12; Ezek. 31:6), odoriferous (4:11; Hos. 14:6), durable, and therefore much used for boards, pillars, and ceilings (1-Kings 6:9, 1-Kings 6: 10;7:2; Jer. 22:14), for masts (Ezek. 27:5), and for carved images (Isa. 44:14). It grew very abundantly in Palesti......

the black torrent, the brook flowing through the ravine below the eastern wall of Jerusalem (John 18:1). (See KIDRON.)......

Mentioned only in Rev. 21:19, Rev. 21: as one of the precious stones in the foundation of the New Jerusalem. The name of this stone is derived from Chalcedon, where it is said to have been first discovered. In modern mineralogy this is the name of an agate-like quartz of a bluish colour. Pliny so names the Indian ruby. The mineral intended in Revelation is probably the Hebrew _nophekh_, translated......

(= Khudur-Lagamar of the inscriptions), king of Elam. Many centuries before the age of Abraham, Canaan and even the Sinaitic peninsula had been conquered by Babylonian kings, and in the time of Abraham himself Babylonia was ruled by a dynasty which claimed sovereignity over Syria and Palestine. The kings of the dynasty bore names which were not Babylonian, but at once South Arabic and Hebrew. The ......

gain, the son of Nahor (Gen. 22:22). ......

low ground. (1.) A son of Raamah (Gen. 10:7). His descendants are mentioned in Isa. 21:13, Isa. 21: and Ezek. 27:15. They probably settled among the sons of Cush, on the north-west coast of the Persian Gulf. (2.) A son of Jokshan, Abraham's son by Keturah (1-Chr 1:32). His descendants settled on the Syrian borders about the territory of Edom. They probably led a pastoral life. ......

the descendants of Dedan, the son of Raamah. They are mentioned in Isa. 21:13 as sending out "travelling companies" which lodged "in the forest of Arabia." They are enumerated also by Ezekiel (27:20) among the merchants who supplied Tyre with precious things. ......

(John 10:22, John 10: 42), i.e., the feast of the renewing. It was instituted B.C. 164 to commemorate the purging of the temple after its pollution by Antiochus Epiphanes (B.C. 167), and the rebuilding of the altar after the Syrian invaders had been driven out by Judas Maccabaeus. It lasted for eight days, beginning on the 25th of the month Chisleu (December), which was often a period of heavy rai......

(Job 24:6). See CORN.......

(Isa. 60:6), an African or Arabian species of camel having only one hump, while the Bactrian camel has two. It is distinguished from the camel only as a trained saddle-horse is distinguished from a cart-horse. It is remarkable for its speed (Jer. 2:23). Camels are frequently spoken of in partriarchal times (Gen. 12:16;24:10;30:43;31:17, 31: etc.). They were used for carrying burdens (Gen. 37:25; J......

slave, the father of Gaal, in whom the men of Shechem "put confidence" in their conspiracy against Abimelech (Judg. 9:26, Judg. 9: 26, 30, 31). ......

a servant of the king; probably an official title, an Ethiopian, "one of the eunuchs which was in the king's house;" i.e., in the palace of Zedekiah, king of Judah. He interceded with the king in Jeremiah's behalf, and was the means of saving him from death by famine (Jer. 38:7: 39:15). ......

witness, a word not found in the original Hebrew, nor in the LXX. and Vulgate, but added by the translators in the Authorized Version, also in the Revised Version, of Josh. 22:34. The words are literally rendered: "And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad named the altar. It is a witness between us that Jehovah is God." This great altar stood probably on the east side of the Jordan, in t......

tower of the flock, a tower between Bethlehem and Hebron, near which Jacob first halted after leaving Bethlehem (Gen. 35:21). In Micah 4:8 the word is rendered "tower of the flock" (marg., "Edar"), and is used as a designation of Bethlehem, which figuratively represents the royal line of David as sprung from Bethlehem. ......

delight. (1.) The garden in which our first parents dewlt (Gen. 2:8). No geographical question has been so much discussed as that bearing on its site. It has been placed in Armenia, in the region west of the Caspian Sea, in Media, near Damascus, in Palestine, in Southern Arabia, and in Babylonia. The site must undoubtedly be sought for somewhere along the course of the great streams the Tigris and......

flock. (1.) A city in the south of Judah, on the border of Idumea (Josh. 15:21). (2.) The second of the three sons of Mushi, of the family of Merari, appointed to the Levitical office (1-Chr 23:23;24:30). ......

(1.) The name of Esau (q.v.), Gen. 25:30, Gen. 25: "Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage [Heb. haadom, haadom, i.e., 'the red pottage, the red pottage'] ...Therefore was his name called Edom", i.e., Red. (2.) Idumea (Isa. 34:5, Isa. 34: 6; Ezek. 35:15). "The field of Edom" (Gen. 32:3), "the land of Edom" (Gen. 36:16), was mountainous (Obad. 1:8, Obad. 1: 9, 19, 21). It was called the......

mighty; strength. (1.) One of the chief towns of the kingdom of Bashan (Josh. 12:4, Josh. 12: 5). Here Og was defeated by the Israelites, and the strength of the Amorites broken (Num. 21:33). It subsequently belonged to Manasseh, for a short time apparently, and afterwards became the abode of banditti and outlaws (Josh. 13:31). It has been identified with the modern Edr'a, which stands on a rocky ......

fountain of the kid, place in the wilderness of Judah (Josh. 15:62), on the western shore of the Dead Sea (Ezek. 47:10), and nearly equidistant from both extremities. To the wilderness near this town David fled for fear of Saul (Josh. 15:62; 1-Sam 23:29). It was at first called Hazezon-tamar (Gen. 14:7), a city of the Amorites. The vineyards of Engedi were celebrated in Solomon's time (1:4). It ......

There were in Palestine (1) cities, (2) unwalled villages, and (3) villages with castles or towers (1-Chr 27:25). Cities, so called, had walls, and were thus fenced. The fortifications consisted of one or two walls, on which were towers or parapets at regular intervals (2-Chr 32:5; Jer. 31:38). Around ancient Jerusalem were three walls, on one of which were ninety towers, on the second fourteen, a......

From the beginning the office of the priesthood in each family belonged to the eldest son. But when the extensive plan of sacrificial worship was introduced, requiring a company of men to be exclusively devoted to this ministry, the primitive office of the first-born was superseded by that of the Levites (Num. 3:11), and it was ordained that the first-born of man and of unclean animals should henc......

Acts 2:23; Rom. 8:29;11:2; 1-Pet 1:2), one of those high attributes essentially appertaining to him the full import of which we cannot comprehend. In the most absolute sense his knowledge is infinite (1-Sam 23:9; Jer. 38:17;42:9, 42: Matt. 11:21, Matt. 11: 23; Acts 15:18). ......

The law of Moses pointed out the cases in which the servants of the Hebrews were to receive their freedom (Exo 21:2, Exo 21: 7, 8; Lev. 25:39, Lev. 25: 47-55; Deut. 15:12). Under the Roman law the "freeman" (ingenuus) was one born free; the "freedman" (libertinus) was a manumitted slave, and had not equal rights with the freeman (Acts 22:28; comp. Acts 16:37;21:39;22:25;25:11, 25: 12). ......

heap of witness, the name of the pile of stones erected by Jacob and Laban to mark the league of friendship into which they entered with each other (Gen. 31:47, Gen. 31: 48). This was the name given to the "heap" by Jacob. It is Hebrew, while the name Jegar-sahadutha, given to it by Laban, is Aramaic (Chaldee or Syriac). Probably Nahor's family originally spoke Aramaic, and Abraham and his descend......

made great by Jehovah. (1.) the son of Jeduthum (1-Chr 25:3, 1-Chr 25: 9). (2.) The grandfather of the prophet Zephaniah, and the father of Cushi (Zeph. 1:1). (3.) One of the Jewish nobles who conspired against Jeremiah (Jer. 38:1). (4.) The son of Ahikam, and grandson of Shaphan, secretary of king Josiah (Jer. 26:24). After the destruction of Jerusalem (see ZEDEKIAH), Nebuchadnezzar left him to g......

a walled place, (Josh. 12:13), perhaps the same as Gederah or Gedor (15:58).......

the fortress; a fortified place, a town in the plain (shephelah) of Judah (Josh. 15:36). This is a very common Canaanite and Phoenician name. It is the feminine form of Geder (12:13); the plural form is Gederoth (15:41). This place has by some been identified with Jedireh, a ruin 9 miles from Lydda, toward Eleutheropolis, and 4 miles north of Sur'ah (Zorah), in the valley of Elah.......

an epithet applied to Josabad, one of David's warriors at Ziklag (1-Chr 12:4), a native of Gederah. ......

a wall. (1.) A city in the mountains or hill country of Judah (Josh. 15:58), identified with Jedar, between Jerusalem and Hebron. (2.) 1-Chr 4:39, 1-Chr 4: the Gederah of Josh. 15:36, Josh. 15: or the well-known Gerar, as the LXX. read, where the patriarchs of old had sojourned and fed their flocks (Gen. 20:1, Gen. 20: 14, 15;26:1, 26: 6, 14). (3.) A town apparently in Benjamin (1-Chr 12:7), t......

an Old English name for the common kite, mentioned only in Deut. 14:13 (Heb. ra'ah), the Milvus ater or black kite. The Hebrew word does not occur in the parallel passage in Leviticus (11:14, 11: da'ah, rendered "vulture;" in R.V., "kite"). It was an unclean bird. The Hebrew name is from a root meaning "to see," "to look," thus designating a bird with a keen sight. The bird intended is probably th......

party-coloured, as goats (Gen. 31:10, Gen. 31: 12), horses (Zech. 6:3, Zech. 6: 6).......

father of Haman, designated usually "the Agagite" (Esther 3:1, Esther 3: 10;8:5).......

among the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:20). Altogether different is the meaning of the word in Deut. 21:15; Matt. 6:24; Luke 14:26; Rom. 9:13, Rom. 9: where it denotes only a less degree of love.......

this world, (1-Chr 11:30); called Heleb (2-Sam 23:29). ......

set free by Jehovah, a chief of the tribe of Benjamin (1-Chr 8:25). ......

descent. (1.) The fourth antediluvian patriarch in descent from Seth (Gen. 5:15; Luke 3:37), the father of Enoch; called Jered in 1-Chr 1:2. (2.) A son of Ezra probably (1-Chr 4:18). ......

(1.) Invoker of Jehovah. The son of Shimri, a chief Simeonite (1-Chr 4:37). (2.) One of those who repaired the walls of Jerusalem after the return from Babylon (Neh. 3:10). (3.) Knowing Jehovah. The chief of one of the courses of the priests (1-Chr 24:7). (4.) A priest in Jerusalem after the Exile (1-Chr 9:10). ......

known by God. (1.) One of the sons of Benjamin, whose descendants numbered 17,200 warriors (1-Chr 7:6, 1-Chr 7: 10, 11). (2.) A Shimrite, one of David's bodyguard (1-Chr 11:45). Probably same as 12:20. (3.) A Korhite of the family of Ebiasaph, and one of the gate-keepers to the temple (1-Chr 26:2). ......

beloved by Jehovah, the name which, by the mouth of Nathan, the Lord gave to Solomon at his birth as a token of the divine favour (2-Sam 12:25). ......

lauder; praising, a Levite of the family of Merari, and one of the three masters of music appointed by David (1-Chr 16:41, 1-Chr 16: 42;25:1). He is called in 2-Chr 35:15 "the king's seer." His descendants are mentioned as singers and players on instruments (Neh. 11:17). He was probably the same as Ethan (1-Chr 15:17, 1-Chr 15: 19). In the superscriptions to Ps. 39, 62, and 77, the words "upon Jed......

Jehovah is her glory, the wife of Amram, and the mother of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses (Num. 26:59). She is spoken of as the sister of Kohath, Amram's father (Exo 6:20; comp. 16, 18;2:1). ......

dark-skinned, the second son of Ishmael (Gen. 25:13). It is the name for the nomadic tribes of Arabs, the Bedouins generally (Isa. 21:16;42:11;60:7; Jer. 2:10; Ezek. 27:21), who dwelt in the north-west of Arabia. They lived in black hair-tents (1:5). To "dwell in the tents of Kedar" was to be cut off from the worship of the true God (Psa 120:5). The Kedarites suffered at the hands of Nebuchadnez......

eastward, the last-named of the sons of Ishmael (Gen. 25:15).......

beginnings; easternmost, a city of Reuben, assigned to the Levites of the family of Merari (Josh. 13:18). It lay not far north-east of Dibon-gad, east of the Dead Sea.......

sanctuary. (1.) A place in the extreme south of Judah (Josh. 15:23). Probably the same as Kadesh-barnea (q.v.). (2.) A city of Issachar (1-Chr 6:72). Possibly Tell Abu Kadeis, near Lejjun. (3.) A "fenced city" of Naphtali, one of the cities of refuge (Josh. 19:37; Judg. 4:6). It was assigned to the Gershonite Levites (Josh. 21:32). It was originally a Canaanite royal city (Josh. 12:22), and wa......

the valley, now quite narrow, between the Mount of Olives and Mount Moriah. The upper part of it is called the Valley of Jehoshaphat. The LXX., in 1-Kings 15:13, 1-Kings 15: translate "of the cedar." The word means "black," and may refer to the colour of the water or the gloom of the ravine, or the black green of the cedars which grew there. John 18:1, John 18: "Cedron," only here in New Testament......

(Judg. 3:15;20:16), one unable to use the right hand skilfully, and who therefore uses the left; and also one who uses the left as well as the right, ambidexter. Such a condition of the hands is due to physical causes. This quality was common apparently in the tribe of Benjamin. ......

in New Testament times, was a Roman province lying north of Greece. It was governed by a propraetor with the title of proconsul. Paul was summoned by the vision of the "man of Macedonia" to preach the gospel there (Acts 16:9). Frequent allusion is made to this event (18:5;19:21; Rom. 15:26; 2-Cor 1:16;11:9; Phil. 4:15). The history of Paul's first journey through Macedonia is given in detail in Ac......

herdsman's place, one of the royal cities of the Canaanites (Josh. 12:16), near which was a cave where the five kings who had confederated against Israel sought refuge (10:10). They were put to death by Joshua, who afterwards suspended their bodies upon five trees. It has been identified with the modern village called Sumeil, standing on a low hill about 7 miles to the north-west of Eleutheropolis......

love, one of the elders nominated to assist Moses in the government of the people. He and Eldad "prophesied in the camp" (Num. 11:24). ......

contention, the third son of Abraham by Keturah (Gen. 25:2). ......

(Heb. Madai), a Median or inhabitant of Media (Dan. 11:1). In Gen. 10:2 the Hebrew word occurs in the list of the sons of Japheth. But probably this is an ethnic and not a personal name, and denotes simply the Medes as descended from Japheth. ......

waters of quiet, an ancient Moabite town (Num. 21:30). It was assigned to the tribe of Reuben (Josh. 13:16). Here was fought the great battle in which Joab defeated the Ammonites and their allies (1-Chr 19:7; comp. 2-Sam 10:6). In the time of Isaiah (15:2) the Moabites regained possession of it from the Ammonites. (See HANUN.) The ruins of this important city, now Madeba or Madiyabah, are seen a......

Heb. Madai, which is rendered in the Authorized Version (1) "Madai," Gen. 10:2; (2) "Medes," 2-Kings 17:6;18:11; (3) "Media," Esther 1:3;10:2; Isa. 21:2; Dan. 8:20; (4) "Mede," only in Dan. 11:1. We first hear of this people in the Assyrian cuneiform records, under the name of Amada, about B.C. 840. They appear to have been a branch of the Aryans, who came from the east bank of the Indus, and we......

one who intervenes between two persons who are at variance, with a view to reconcile them. This word is not found in the Old Testament; but the idea it expresses is found in Job 9:33, Job 9: in the word "daysman" (q.v.), marg., "umpire." This word is used in the New Testament to denote simply an internuncius, an ambassador, one who acts as a medium of communication between two contracting partie......

king of righteousness, the king of Salem (q.v.). All we know of him is recorded in Gen. 14:18. He is subsequently mentioned only once in the Old Testament, in Psa 110:4. The typical significance of his history is set forth in detail in the Epistle to the Hebrews, ch. 7. The apostle there points out the superiority of his priesthood to that of Aaron in these several respects, (1) Even Abraham paid ......

rebellion, one of the sons of Ezra, of the tribe of Judah (1-Chr 4:17). ......

tower of the flock, a place 2 miles south of Jerusalem, near the Bethlehem road (Gen. 35:21). (See EDAR.) ......

given by Mithra, or dedicated to Mithra, i.e., the sun, the Hebrew form of the Greek name Mithridates. (1.) The "treasurer" of King Cyrus (Ezra 1:8). (2.) Ezra 4:7, Ezra 4: a Persian officer in Samaria. ......

(Exo 12:38), a class who accompanied the Israelites as they journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, the first stage of the Exodus. These were probably miscellaneous hangers-on to the Hebrews, whether Egyptians of the lower orders, or the remains of the Hyksos (see EGYPT; MOSES), as some think. The same thing happened on the return of the Jews from Babylon (Neh. 13:3), a "mixed multitude" accompanied th......

This word denotes (1) absolute nakedness (Gen. 2:25; Job 1:21; Eccl. 5:15; Micah 1:8; Amos 2:16); (2) being poorly clad (Isa. 58:7; James 2:15). It denotes also (3) the state of one who has laid aside his loose outer garment (Lat. nudus), and appears clothed only in a long tunic or under robe worn next the skin (1-Sam 19:24; Isa. 47:3; comp. Mark 14:52; John 21:7). It is used figuratively, meaning......

moved of Jehovah, one of the sons of Jeconiah (1-Chr 3:18).......

used only in the proverb, "to pass through a needle's eye" (Matt. 19:24; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25). Some interpret the expression as referring to the side gate, close to the principal gate, usually called the "eye of a needle" in the East; but it is rather to be taken literally. The Hebrew females were skilled in the use of the needle (Exo 28:39;26:36; Judg. 5:30).......

serving; worshipping. (1.) A son of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:21, Ruth 4: 22), and the grandfather of David (Matt. 1:5). (2.) 1-Chr 2:34. (3.) 1-Chr 26:7. (4.) 2-Chr 23:1. ......

servant of Edom. (1.) "The Gittite" (probably so called because he was a native of Gath-rimmon), a Levite of the family of the Korhites (1-Chr 26:1, 1-Chr 26: 4-8), to whom was specially intrusted the custody of the ark (1-Chr 15:18). When David was bringing up the ark "from the house of Abinadab, that was in Gibeah" (probably some hill or eminence near Kirjath-jearim), and had reached Nachon's th......

restoring, or setting up. (1.) Father of the prophet Azariah (2-Chr 15:1, 2-Chr 15: 8). (2.) A prophet in the time of Ahaz and Pekah (2-Chr 28:9). ......

(Isa. 35:7), Heb. sharab, a "mirage", a phenomenon caused by the refraction of the rays of the sun on the glowing sands of the desert, causing them suddenly to assume the appearance of a beautiful lake. It is called by the modern Arabs by the same Hebrew name _serab_.......

redeemed of God, the son of Ammihud, a prince of Naphtali (Num. 34:28).......

rock of redemption, the father of Gamaliel and prince of Manasseh at the time of the Exodus (Num. 1:10;2:20).......

redemption of the Lord. (1.) The father of Zebudah, who was the wife of Josiah and mother of king Jehoiakim (2-Kings 23:36). (2.) The father of Zerubbabel (1-Chr 3:17). (3.). The father of Joel, ruler of the half-tribe of Manasseh (1-Chr 27:20). (4.) Neh. 3:25. (5.) A Levite (8:4). (6.) A Benjamite (11:7). (7.) A Levite (13:13).......

See LOAN. ......

This word is properly used only with reference to God's plan or purpose of salvation. The Greek word rendered "predestinate" is found only in these six passages, Acts 4:28; Rom. 8:29, Rom. 8: 30; 1-Cor 2:7; Eph. 1:5, Eph. 1: 11; and in all of them it has the same meaning. They teach that the eternal, sovereign, immutable, and unconditional decree or "determinate purpose" of God governs all events.......

The sea so called extends along the west coast of Arabia for about 1,400 miles, and separates Asia from Africa. It is connected with the Indian Ocean, of which it is an arm, by the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb. At a point (Ras Mohammed) about 200 miles from its nothern extremity it is divided into two arms, that on the east called the AElanitic Gulf, now the Bahr el-'Akabah, about 100 miles long by 15 ......

The account of the march of the Israelites through the Red Sea is given in Exo 14:22. There has been great diversity of opinion as to the precise place where this occurred. The difficulty of arriving at any definite conclusion on the matter is much increased by the consideration that the head of the Gulf of Suez, which was the branch of the sea that was crossed, must have extended at the time of t......

Heb. goel; i.e., one charged with the duty of restoring the rights of another and avenging his wrongs (Lev. 25:48, Lev. 25: 49; Num. 5:8; Ruth 4:1; Job 19:25; Psa 19:14;78:35, 78: etc.). This title is peculiarly applied to Christ. He redeems us from all evil by the payment of a ransom (q.v.). (See REDEMPTION.)......

the purchase back of something that had been lost, by the payment of a ransom. The Greek word so rendered is _apolutrosis_, a word occurring nine times in Scripture, and always with the idea of a ransom or price paid, i.e., redemption by a lutron (see Matt. 20:28; Mark 10:45). There are instances in the LXX. Version of the Old Testament of the use of _lutron_ in man's relation to man (Lev. 19:20;2......

(1.) "Paper reeds" (Isa. 19:7; R.V., "reeds"). Heb. 'aroth, properly green herbage growing in marshy places. (2.) Heb. kaneh (1-Kings 14:15; Job 40:21; Isa. 19:6), whence the Gr. kanna, a "cane," a generic name for a reed of any kind. The reed of Egypt and Palestine is the Arundo donax, which grows to the height of 12 feet, its stalk jointed like the bamboo, "with a magnificent panicle of blos......

more correctly Sanhedrin (Gr. synedrion), meaning "a sitting together," or a "council." This word (rendered "council," A.V.) is frequently used in the New Testament (Matt. 5:22;26:59; Mark 15:1, Mark 15: etc.) to denote the supreme judicial and administrative council of the Jews, which, it is said, was first instituted by Moses, and was composed of seventy men (Num. 11:16, Num. 11: 17). But that s......

fear, one of the sons of Zebulun (Gen. 46:14). ......

in title of Ps. 80 (R.V. marg., "lilies, a testimony"), probably the name of the melody to which the psalm was to be sung. ......

lily of the testimony, the title of Ps. 60. (See SHOSHANNIM.) ......

stood in the midst of the garden of Eden, beside the tree of life (Gen. 2, 3). Adam and Eve were forbidden to take of the fruit which grew upon it. But they disobeyed the divine injunction, and so sin and death by sin entered our world and became the heritage of Adam's posterity. (See ADAM.) ......

a Galilean fisherman, the husband of Salome (q.v.), and the father of James and John, two of our Lord's disciples (Matt. 4:21;27:56; Mark 15:40). He seems to have been a man of some position in Capernaum, for he had two boats (Luke 5:4) and "hired servants" (Mark 1:20) of his own. No mention is made of him after the call of his two sons by Jesus.......

side; sloping place, a town in the north of Palestine, near Hamath (Num. 34:8; Ezek. 47:15). It has been identified with the ruins of Sudud, between Emesa (Hums) and Baalbec, but that is uncertain.......

righteousness of Jehovah. (1.) The last king of Judah. He was the third son of Josiah, and his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah, and hence he was the brother of Jehoahaz (2-Kings 23:31;24:17, 24: 18). His original name was Mattaniah; but when Nebuchadnezzar placed him on the throne as the successor to Jehoiachin he changed his name to Zedekiah. The prophet Jeremiah was......

=Zared, luxuriance; willow bush, a brook or valley communicating with the Dead Sea near its southern extremity (Num. 21:12; Deut. 2:14). It is called the "brook of the willows" (Isa. 15:7) and the "river of the wilderness" (Amos 6:14). It has been identified with the Wady el-Aksy.......

the fortress, a city on the north of Mount Ephraim; the birthplace of Jeroboam (1-Kings 11:26). It is probably the same as Zaretan (Josh. 3:16), Zererath (Judg. 7:22), Zartanah (1-Kings 4:12), or the following.......

a place in the plain of Jordan; the same as Zarthan (2-Chr 4:17; 1-Kings 7:46). Here Solomon erected the foundries in which Hiram made the great castings of bronze for the temple.......