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full of hollows, a town in the highlands of Judah (Josh. 15:58). It is now a small village of the same name, and is situated about 5 miles north-east of Hebron on the way to Jerusalem. There is an old Jewish tradition that Gad, David's seer (2-Sam 24:11), was buried here.......

circle, the second son of Aram (Gen. 10:23), and grandson of Shem. ......

weasel, a prophetess; the wife of Shallum. She was consulted regarding the "book of the law" discovered by the high priest Hilkiah (2-Kings 22:14; 2-Chr 34:22). She resided in that part of Jerusalem called the Mishneh (A.V., "the college;" R.V., "the second quarter"), supposed by some to be the suburb between the inner and the outer wall, the second or lower city, Akra. Miriam (Exo 15:20) and Debo......

befriended. (1.) One of the chief Gadites in Bashan in the time of Jotham (1-Chr 5:13). (2.) Grandfather of Shaphan, "the scribe," in the reign of Josiah (2-Kings 22:3). (3.) A priest, father of Hilkiah (1-Chr 9:11; Neh. 11:11), in the reign of Ammon; called Shallum in 1-Chr 6:12. (4.) A Levite of the family of Kohath (2-Chr 34:12), in the reign of Josiah. (5.) 1-Chr 8:17. (6.) 1-Chr 3:1......

friend, the wife of Manasseh, and the mother of Amon (2-Kings 21:19), Kings of Judah. ......

the same, as some think, with "Shunammite," from "Shunem:" otherwise, the import of the word is uncertain (6:13; R.V., "Shulammite"). ......