搜尋 MUSIC 共找到 3 項結果

Jubal was the inventor of musical instruments (Gen. 4:21). The Hebrews were much given to the cultivation of music. Their whole history and literature afford abundant evidence of this. After the Deluge, the first mention of music is in the account of Laban's interview with Jacob (Gen. 31:27). After their triumphal passage of the Red Sea, Moses and the children of Israel sang their song of delivera......

Among instruments of music used by the Hebrews a principal place is given to stringed instruments. These were, (1.) The kinnor, the "harp." (2.) The nebel, "a skin bottle," rendered "psaltery." (3.) The sabbeka, or "sackbut," a lute or lyre. (4.) The gittith, occurring in the title of Ps. 8; 8; 84. (5.) Minnim (Psa 150:4), rendered "stringed instruments;" in Psa 45:8, Psa 45: in the form _minni_, ......

(Heb. menatstseah), the precentor of the Levitical choir or orchestra in the temple, mentioned in the titles of fifty-five psalms, and in Hab. 3:19, Hab. 3: Revised Version. The first who held this office was Jeduthun (1-Chr 16:41), and the office appears to have been hereditary. Heman and Asaph were his two colleagues (2-Chr 35:15). ......