搜尋 Malachi 共找到 2 項結果

messenger or angel, the last of the minor prophets, and the writer of the last book of the Old Testament canon (Mal. 4:4, Mal. 4: 5, 6). Nothing is known of him beyond what is contained in his book of prophecies. Some have supposed that the name is simply a title descriptive of his character as a messenger of Jehovah, and not a proper name. There is reason, however, to conclude that Malachi was th......

The contents of the book are comprised in four chapters. In the Hebrew text the third and fourth chapters (of the A.V.) form but one. The whole consists of three sections, preceded by an introduction (Mal. 1:1), in which the prophet reminds Israel of Jehovah's love to them. The first section (1:6:9) contains a stern rebuke addressed to the priests who had despised the name of Jehovah, and been lea......