搜尋 Mash 共找到 5 項結果

the son of Azareel, appointed by Nehemiah to reside at Jerusalem and do the work of the temple (Neh. 11:13).......

(= Meshech 1-Chr 1:17), one of the four sons of Aram, and the name of a tribe descended from him (Gen. 10:23) inhabiting some part probably of Mesopotamia. Some have supposed that they were the inhabitants of Mount Masius, the present Karja Baghlar, which forms part of the chain of Taurus. ......

entreaty, a levitical town in the tribe of Asher (1-Chr 6:74); called Mishal (Josh. 21:30). ......

something hidden, a town of Benjamin (Ezra 2:27), east of Bethel and south of Migron, on the road to Jerusalem (Isa. 10:28). It lay on the line of march of an invading army from the north, on the north side of the steep and precipitous Wady es-Suweinit ("valley of the little thorn-tree" or "the acacia"), and now bears the name of Mukhmas. This wady is called "the passage of Michmash" (1-Sam 13:23)......

strong-fisted, a son of Haman, slain in Shushan (Esther 9:9).......