搜尋 OIL 共找到 5 項結果

(Exo 27:20;29:40), obtained by pounding olives in a mortar, not by crushing them in a mill. It was reckoned the best. (See OLIVE.) ......

(rendered "botch" in Deut. 28:27, Deut. 28: 35), an aggravated ulcer, as in the case of Hezekiah (2-Kings 20:7; Isa. 38:21) or of the Egyptians (Exo 9:9, Exo 9: 10, 11; Deut. 28:27, Deut. 28: 35). It designates the disease of Job (2:7), which was probably the black leprosy. ......

ten cities=deka, ten, and polis, a city, a district on the east and south-east of the Sea of Galilee containing "ten cities," which were chiefly inhabited by Greeks. It included a portion of Bashan and Gilead, and is mentioned three times in the New Testament (Matt. 4:25; Mark 5:20;7:31). These cities were Scythopolis, i.e., "city of the Scythians", (ancient Bethshean, the only one of the ten citi......

Only olive oil seems to have been used among the Hebrews. It was used for many purposes: for anointing the body or the hair (Exo 29:7; 2-Sam 14:2; Psa 23:5;92:10;104:15; Luke 7:46); in some of the offerings (Exo 29:40; Lev. 7:12; Num. 6:15;15:4), but was excluded from the sin-offering (Lev. 5:11) and the jealousy-offering (Num. 5:15); for burning in lamps (Exo 25:6;27:20; Matt. 25:3); for medicina......

(Isa. 41:19; R.V. marg., "oleaster"), Heb. 'etz shemen, rendered "olive tree" in 1-Kings 6:23, 1-Kings 6: 31, 32, 33 (R.V., "olive wood") and "pine branches" in Neh. 8:15 (R.V., "branches of wild olive"), was some tree distinct from the olive. It was probably the oleaster (Eleagnus angustifolius), which grows abundantly in almost all parts of Palestine, especially about Hebron and Samaria. "It has......