
希伯來詞彙 #05857 的意思

`Ay {ah'ee} or (fem.) `Aya' (Neh :31) {ah-yaw'}

or `Ayath (Isa 10:28) {ah-yawth'}
for  05856;; n pr loc
AV - Ai 36, Hai 2, Aiath 1, city 1; 41
Ai or Aija or Aiath or Hai = "heap of ruins"
1) a city lying east of Bethel and beside Bethaven near Jericho and
the 2nd city taken on the invasion of Canaan
2) a city of the Ammonites on the east of the Jordan and apparently
attached to Heshbon

希伯來詞彙 #05857 在聖經原文中出現的地方

`Ay {ah'ee} or (fem.) `Aya' (Neh :31) {ah-yaw'} 共有 41 個出處。 這是第 21 至 40 個出處。

約 書 亞 記 8:17
And there was not a man left in Ai05857 or Bethel, that went not out after Israel: and they left the city open, and pursued after Israel.

約 書 亞 記 8:18
And the LORD said unto Joshua, Stretch out the spear that is in thy hand toward Ai05857; for I will give it into thine hand. And Joshua stretched out the spear that he had in his hand toward the city.

約 書 亞 記 8:20
And when the men of Ai05857 looked behind them, they saw, and, behold, the smoke of the city ascended up to heaven, and they had no power to flee this way or that way: and the people that fled to the wilderness turned back upon the pursuers. power: Heb. hand

約 書 亞 記 8:21
And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city ascended, then they turned again, and slew the men of Ai05857.

約 書 亞 記 8:23
And the king of Ai05857 they took alive, and brought him to Joshua.

約 書 亞 記 8:24
And it came to pass, when Israel had made an end of slaying all the inhabitants of Ai05857 in the field, in the wilderness wherein they chased them, and when they were all fallen on the edge of the sword, until they were consumed, that all the Israelites returned unto Ai05857, and smote it with the edge of the sword.

約 書 亞 記 8:25
And so it was, that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai05857.

約 書 亞 記 8:26
For Joshua drew not his hand back, wherewith he stretched out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai05857.

約 書 亞 記 8:28
And Joshua burnt Ai05857, and made it an heap for ever, even a desolation unto this day.

約 書 亞 記 8:29
And the king of Ai05857 he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a great heap of stones, that remaineth unto this day.

約 書 亞 記 9:3
And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to Ai05857,

約 書 亞 記 10:1
Now it came to pass, when Adonizedek king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken Ai05857, and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai05857 and her king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them;

約 書 亞 記 10:2
That they feared greatly, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai05857, and all the men thereof were mighty. royal...: Heb. cities of the kingdom

約 書 亞 記 12:9
The king of Jericho, one; the king of Ai05857, which is beside Bethel, one;

以 斯 拉 記 2:28
The men of Bethel and Ai05857, two hundred twenty and three.

尼 希 米 記 7:32
The men of Bethel and Ai05857, an hundred twenty and three.

尼 希 米 記 11:31
The children also of Benjamin from Geba dwelt at Michmash, and Aija05857, and Bethel, and in their villages, from: or, of at: or, to

以 賽 亞 書 10:28
He is come to Aiath05857, he is passed to Migron; at Michmash he hath laid up his carriages: